Before Your First Call

Stop! Rhapsody account set up time.

Before you send your first call, there are a few things you will need to do to set your organization and your musicians up for success.

  1. Set up your account details: This will be the information you need to login, preferences for your Projects, and setting up the Rhapsody email information needed to send out a Rhapsody call.

  2. Import your musicians: Rhapsody requires certain contact information for musicians in order to send out calls. You'll need to add your musicians to the Rhapsody Address book before you can set up and send your first call.

  3. Review Additional Set Up: If you would like to speed up the process when creating your first Rhapsody Project/Call you can add additional frequently used information. Things like frequently used Venues, templates for call orders or frequently hired musicians, and information regarding customers/payrolls for you and musicians.

  4. Contact Musicians outside of Rhapsody: Lastly, before you send your first call in Rhapsody, it's important to recognize your musicians may be unaware of this change. As a courtesy, we recommend contacting your musicians OUTSIDE of Rhapsody first so they know what to expect!

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