Types of Communication

"Here's some more info and a follow up on the Project"

Once you have sent out your first communication for a Rhapsody call, and depending on whether or not a musician has responded, you can send musicians a variety of follow up communications depending on your needs:

  • Cancel / Release: Once you have sent a call to a musician, you can cancel / release them at any given time. This will tell them that they are no longer needed for the Project. If the musician has accepted the Project, they will need to confirm they have been canceled/released before you may replace them. Read more about Canceling + Releasing.

  • Remind: Once a musician has accepted their call or been assigned to a Project, you will be able to remind them of the Project. This is ideal if you do your contacting well in advance before the first Work Session of a Project. Remind communications can only be sent once per Project. Read more about remind communications.

  • Work Docs: A musician will be asked to download/upload various documents for your organization. This is a feature in development for Finale users only. Read more about upcoming features.

  • Confirmation: Once a musician has accepted their call or been assigned to a Project, you will be able to send a Confirmation communication. This asks them to confirm that they will be attending the Project. Unlike a Remind, you can send as many Confirmation communications as you'd like. Read more about confirmation communications.

  • Revision: When you have made an adjustment to a Project after having sent a call, musicians may want to be informed of certain changes. The Revision option provides musician with a new call with the updated non-critical changes that have been made to the Project. Read more about revision calls.

  • Critical Revision: When you have changed critical information regarding a Project after sending your initial call, Rhapsody STRONGLY recommends you send a revision call to your musicians. This information could affect whether or not an accepted musician can still accept the call. Read more about revision calls.

  • Reschedule: When a Work Session time or date has changed after sending the initial call, you can provide musicians with a Reschedule call. This will simply provide them with the updated dates for the Project and "re-invite" them to the Project with new dates.

  • Nudges: If a musician is taking too long to respond to an Invite or has held the Call, you can send them a nudge. A nudge is a reminder that the musician needs to respond to the call. Read more about Nudges here.

Last updated