Rhapsody Calls

Rhapsody Calls are one of the best things about Rhapsody! Musicians receive a clear and organized communication with all of the information they need to know in order to do what they do best.

Sample Call

Each call will be start with a logo of your company. Logos can be added in your Account Settings under the Branding tab.

In the next box, you will have a greeting displaying which organization the Call is coming from (in this case, it's "Rhapsody Production"), your greeting (which can be customized in the Call Preview), Project Name, and any Assignment Memo for the musician.

The next box will contain any of the actions required by the musician. Depending on if the musician is receiving an Invite, Message, Reminder, etc., this section may or may not ask for the musician to respond.

Did you know? This box is dynamic! Rhapsody will always keep track whether or not a musician has responded or needs to respond.

Ex. If you wanted to send a message to all invited/accepted musicians on the Project, Rhapsody will ensure that the Accepted musicians will not have to respond to your message, while the Invited musicians will still need to provide their answer.

Next is the Repertoire section. This displays the information on the Project Pieces including Instruments, Roles, Chair numbers, Piece Memo's, and whether or not the musician will be playing on the Piece. It will provide a musician with the chance to look over the entire Program and understand what is being asked of them.

Project Pieces are given a number. This number relates to the schedule!

Next, musicians receive a schedule overview of the Project. Musicians will receive the entire Project Schedule with context as to whether or not they are being asked to play. The numbers for each Project Piece is displayed with the Work Session, along with any Work Session Memos.

Projects include an Add to Calendar button. This allows musicians to add their Rhapsody schedule to their external calendar of choice!

Next is the Dress Code and Contacts. These are optional, but a great way to provide any additional information for the musician.


Our pipeline follows a systematic flowchart based on musician responses.

This means that the type of communication a musician receives will determine whether or not their response is needed and what kind of response is needed.

For example, musicians who have Held their Call cannot hold the call again, as they will need to answer whether or not they are available.

Have a request for a custom stage in Rhapsody? Let us know at contact@rhapsody.la

Each Rhapsody Communication to a musician is sent with a custom call link. This is the link that provides the individual musician with all the information needed for THEIR participation in the Project.

Whenever musicians click or tap their response to a Rhapsody Call, they will be redirected to their unique live link for the Project. Musicians receive 1 link per Project that will provide the most up to date version of the communication. This means, if a Project's details have changed since the initial call went out, their Live Link will display the up to date information.

Last updated