Creating a Project

First things first, create a Project!

Projects are like folders item that house all data and information regarding Work Sessions. Whenever Contractors are needing musicians to attend multiple engagements with different dates or times (such as rehearsals or concerts), Rhapsody will house all of these engagements in a Project.

Create a Project

  1. Navigate to the Projects Menu

  2. In the top right corner of the Projects Menu, select the + Add Project button

  3. In the pop up that appears, type in a name for your Project. The Project name will be used in your calls to musicians.

  4. Select the Next > button

  5. Viola! Your Project has been created!

Did you know?

Selecting a Season is optional when creating a Project. Read more about Seasons here.

Building your Project

Now that your Project is created, you will be presented with an empty Project. Before adding details to your Project, let's go over some of the navigation items within a Project.


Your Project will contain different tabs to navigate to various different aspects of your Project. Each Project contains the following tabs:

  • Mission Control: Where you build your Project and set up your Rhapsody Call. This is where you spend the majority of your time when setting up a Rhapsody call!

  • Who's Next: Set a call order/establish a Project-specific sublist

  • Calendar: View a Calendar view of all Work Sessions in the Project and create individual Work Sessions by dragging and dropping.

  • Sent: A list of all communications sent in Rhapsody for the Project

  • Budget and Payroll: Calculate the wages for each musician in the Project based on set parameters

  • Settings: Additional information and details for the Project including notes, links, contacts, dress code, and more.

Project Sidebar

Did you know?

The Project Sidebar can be collapsed! Simply select the << at the bottom-left corner of the page OR press a then s to collapse the Project Sidebar and gain a larger view of the working area. Read more about Rhapsody shortcuts

Inside a Project on the left-hand side of the page is the Project Sidebar. The Project sidebar contains:

  • Project Name: The name of your Project

  • Project ID: The unique number ID given for your Project in Rhapsody (used for troubleshooting and debugging)

  • Project Checklist: A clickable checklist of steps to guide you through your hiring and ensemble management.

  • Internal Memo: Notes about the Project for internal use only (not visible by musicians receiving calls for the Project)

  • Hiring Progress: A chart displaying an overview of the hiring status for each individual in the Project (visible after Project is set up)


If your Project Sidebar is not in view, you may want to expand your web browser page to full screen or zoom out on the page. The Project Sidebar will automatically be hidden if your window is too small or webpage is zoomed in too much.

Next Steps

Did you know?

When in doubt, refer to the checklist in the left-hand menu to guide you! Click any of the items in the checklist and Rhapsody will walk you through the steps to finish building your Project! Read more about Project Checklist here.

Last updated