Turn a Rehearsal into a Sectional

Go on... shoo! We don't need you anymore!

If you've sent a call out to musicians and need to turn a Work Session into a Sectional, you will no longer be able to do so using the Project's Program. Instead, you will need to manually Release the extra musicians from the individual Work Session.

Releasing musicians from a Work Session:

  1. Locate the appropriate Project from the Project Menu

  2. Access the Mission Control tab

  3. Switch to Edit Mode

  4. Switch to Work Sessions View

  5. Locate and select the musicians in the Work Session being cancelled

  6. In the menu that pops up below, select the Release option

  7. In the popup that appears, select option Work Session(s) under "Release From"

  8. On the next page, provide an explanation of the reason for the cancelled Work Session

  9. Confirm the Work Session(s) you wish to release the musician(s)

  10. Select the Release # musicians from # Work Session button to confirm your action

  11. Viola! You have now cancelled musicians from a Work Session!


This is a critical change! Musicians will need to be informed about this change, so Rhapsody will prompt you to send a Revision Call immediately after making this change. Read more about Revision Calls.

Last updated