Changing Time/Location of Work Session

We've just got some news, things changed...

Work Session start/end times can change after you have told your musicians about the Project.

If you have already sent your call out, musicians may have accepted. The change in time or location of a Work Session may mean some accepted musician can no longer accept the call. This is considered a critical revision. Musicians should be notified ASAP of this change.


Rhapsody will not automatically prompt you to send a revision call after making a change to a Work Session start/end time. You will need to manually send affected musicians a Critical Revision Call

Editing the time/location of a Work Session

  1. Enter into the Project with the affected Work Session

  2. In the Mission Control tab of the Project, enter Edit Mode

  3. In the right hand menu, locate the Work Session(s) you want to change the time/location for. Select the pencil icon next to the name of the Work Session. Hint: The right hand menu is not available in the Assignments View. If you do not see the right hand menu, switch to Genius, Pieces, or Work Sessions View

  4. Once selected, make the appropriate changes to the time/location of the Work Session.

  5. Once finished, select Save

  6. Viola! You have now edited the time/location of a Work Session!


Changing the time/location of a Work Session will trigger all musicians on the Work Session to receive a Critical Revision call. This may take a moment for Rhapsody to update. Please be sure to refresh the page before sending your Critical Revision to ensure that all affected musicians receive the communication.

Sending a Critical Revision

  1. Enter into the Project with the affected Work Session.

  2. In the Mission Control tab of the Project, enter Notify Mode

  3. Select all musicians in the Project. You can do this by selecting the checkbox next to the "Full Ensemble" text.

  4. In the Notify Menu that appears at the bottom of the page, scroll to the right and select the Critical Revision option

  5. In the Call Preview that appears, review the Call and add any additional information you see fit.

  6. Acknowledge the checkbox at the bottom of the Call Preview

  7. Select Send Now!

  8. Viola! You have now sent a Critical Revision!


Regardless of whether a musician accepted, or held their call, they will be prompted to Accept, Decline, or Hold the Critical Revision Call. Changes made after a Call is sent that can affect a musicians decision/ability to participate in a Project are considered CRITICAL and thus require a musicians response. Read more about Revision Calls.

Last updated