Track the Call

And now, we wait...

Congrats on sending your first call for a Project! Now, let's monitor and track where each Invite is going and the hiring status of everyone!

Project Hiring Status

Individual Musician

If a musician hasn't responded yet, Rhapsody will display text below their name to show you "where" the email with their Rhapsody call is. This information will be listed below their name in the Project on the Genius, Pieces, or Work Sessions view.

  • Email Received: The musician has viewed the communication but has not taken the action required for their communication.

  • Email Sent: The email for the call has been sent, but the musician has not opened/viewed the communication or email

  • Email in Queue: The email for their call is pending and in line to be sent.

These status's for emails can be a great way to determine your next communication with the musician if they have not responded to their call. If they have received their call, you may want to nudge them into providing an answer. If their email has been sent, you may want to check in with them outside of Rhapsody to see if their email went to spam. If their email is in queue for a long time, you may want to check that their email is listed correctly in their profile.


Rhapsody provides updates in real time, but may need you to refresh the page from time to time. Be sure to refresh your page to view the most up-to-date status of a musicians email!

Additionally, you've probably noticed things are color coordinated in Rhapsody. This is by design! At a glance, you are able to see the hiring status of all of your musicians within a Project. Read more about color of stages in Rhapsody.

Hiring Progress Graph

Rhapsody offers a Hiring Progress graph to show you the overall hiring status of an entire Project! The graph offer the exact number of each status of all musicians on the Project and provide you with the colors of each status.

Hiring Progress Graphs are located within the Project at the bottom of the left-hand menu and on your Rhapsody Home page under the Hiring in progress section.

Did you know?

The Hiring Progress is also visible on the Project Menu! Simply look to the Hiring column to get an overview of the hiring status for that Project!

Email History

Whenever a musician receives and sends a response to a Rhapsody call, they will receive a confirmation of their answer! This is so that the musician has record of what their response to a Call was, but also provides you with a traceable record of when they responded.

Depending on what you are looking for, you can easily find the communication that was sent to musicians in various places throughout Rhapsody.

Project Sent Tab

View a history of all communications sent in a Project using the Project's Sent tab! This will provide you with only communications sent regarding the Project.

Musician's Profile

You can view the history of communications in a musicians profile! Simply locate the musician and navigate to the Sent tab in their profile to view all communications they've received!

Did you know?

You can easily pull up a musicians profile anywhere they appear in Rhapsody! Simply click on the circle of their profile picture to pull up their profile! Read more about shortcuts.

Emails Menu

The emails menu in Rhapsody provides you with the entire history of all emails sent in Rhapsody. The Search button allows you to filter your search and find the exact communication you are looking for. The filters include:

  • Musician: Type the name of the musician and Rhapsody will provide you with a list of musicians with that name using musicians in your Address Book. Selecting the musician will populate all communications sent to the musician.

  • Sent From Name: The name of the person who sent the communication. The sent from name is the name used in the Call Preview Sender field.

  • Subject: The subject of the message sent. Each communication sent will include the Project Name and text relating to the communication type.

  • Sent: This displays all sent messages. Switch to "is not" sent to see if you have any queued or pending messages. This can be a great indicator if a musician has an incorrect email address!

  • Date: Search for a specific date or date range a call was sent from.

Last updated