
Rhapsody offers so many keyboard shortcuts to make your user experience even faster!

Keyboard Shortcuts

For the power user of Rhapsody, we provide a few keyboard shortcuts to make actions in Rhapsody even faster!

Keyboard Shortcuts


g then h

Home Menu

g then c

Calendar Menu

g then p

Projects Menu

g then w

Work Sessions

g then a

Address Book

g then e


g then s



c then m

Add musician to Address Book

c then p

Create Project

c then w

Create (individual) Work Session

c then v

Add Venue

c then t

Create a Template


a then c

Add Chairs

a then s

Collapse Project Sidebar

Mission Control (within a Project)

m then v

Enter into View Only Mode

m then e

Enter into Edit Mode

m then i

Enter into Notify Mode

m then m

View all Chair Memos (flip Chair "card" over)

m then g

Switch to Genius view

m then w

Switch to Work Sessions view (Work Sessions displayed side-by-side)

m then p

Switch to Pieces view (Pieces displayed side-by-side)

m then a

Switch to Assignments view (overview of personnel in alphabetical order)

Drag + Drop

Rhapsody allows you to drag and drop your mouse on different elements to create and expidite your workflow


Any time you see a calendar in Rhapsody, you can drag and drop to create a Work Session! Simply locate the date you want a Work Session, a


You can't drag and drop a Work Session into an musicians Calendar in their profile. The musician must be added through the Project!

Within Project

Drag and drop to mass select Chairs for mass action!

Work Sessions Popup (Multiple)

When creating multiple work Sessions, you can drag and drop the start and end time of a Work Session using the calendar in the bottom left of the popup.

Adding additional Chairs to Section

Last updated