Rhapsody Updates

5.1.0 2/28/2024

Assignment Memo's in Call Preview

When in a Project and in Notify Mode, you can select multiple musicians to receive a communication. Normally, ALL changes and edits in the Call Preview will reflect in the calls for ALL selected musicians.

When in the Call Preview, you will now have the option to leave an Assignment Memo for a musician. Only the musician selected in the preview will receive an assignment memo.

Switching to a different musician in the top left corner of the Call Preview will allow you to add an Assignment Memo for that musician. You can now customize your calls for some musicians while sending en masse to others!

Display Timezone on Call

For our users who contract in multiple time-zones, we wanted to add the time zone shorthand on Rhapsody calls. When a musician receives a Rhapsody call, the timezone code will be displayed.

Highlighting Musician Messages

We now have highlighted the messages musicians receive when answering a Rhapsody call. Users noticed that musicians would occasionally ask questions or make requests. We wanted to make sure users do not miss these messages, so we've highlighted when a musician provides an answer to their Rhapsody Call.

Selecting on any of the red messages dialogue windows will show you a popup of all messages for a Project.

Right when you login to your Rhapsody account, you will see an overview of all your current Projects. If a musician has answered with a message, a text icon will appear. Click on the icon to see all new messages from a Project!

Additionally, the Project Menu will also highlight any new messages you receive

Musician Message list in Project

When you enter into a Project, you are also able to see an overview of ALL messages you have received from musician's on the Project.

You can also mark messages as "read" vs "unread". A Blue dot will be next to a musicians name if you have not "read" their message. To read the message, simply click on it or click on the "Mark all as read". The color of their message will change to grey!


This feature will NOT show messages for Release Requests. This feature also provides you with a shortcut to emailng a musician. If you would like to follow up with a musician based on their message, we recommend you email the musician outside of Rhapsody, or send the musician a Message in the Project.

New Project Piece Adder

We updated the UI for adding a Project Piece. When adding a new Project Piece, you can select from the list on the left-hand menu of previously played Project Pieces, or select to add a New Piece.

From here, you can add all your Project Pieces at once, set the Instrumentation Shorthand, and add all the appropriate Chairs!

When you select to Add Chairs, you will be prompted to add Chairs for the Piece. If your pieces have the same Instrumentation, you can use the "Same Instrumentation as" feature to autofill your responses!

Custom Pipelines

We now have the ability to provide all our Finale users with a Custom pipeline! Each stage in Rhapsody follows a specific pathway. Depending on your hiring needs, we can add or remove stages!

Want to request a custom pipeline? Email is at support@rhapsody.la

Rhapsody Calls -> Project Pieces Number

We have updated our Rhapsody Communications when displaying Project Pieces in a Work Session. Instead of the number coding system we previously held, musicians will now see the full name of the Project Piece.

Birthday List

If you have listed the birthdays of musicians, Rhapsody will now inform you! Simply go to the Address Book. If a musician has a birthday today, Rhapsody will notify you!

Click on the text under the Address Book to see which musician has a birthday today!

Template Export Issue

There was an issue where some users experienced a page crash when downloading an excel export in a Project or Template. This has been resolved and users can download their Projects or Templates without receiving a page crash

Did you know?

We have a lot of upcoming exciting features! Read more about Upcoming Features + Feature Requests.

Last updated