How do I move a musician to a different instrument/section?

If a musician has been placed in the wrong Section or you want to move personnel around, you can do so easily!

Moving a Musician to a different Section

  1. Locate and select the Project you need to move musicians in.

  2. In the Mission Control tab, switch to Edit Mode and select the appropriate View (If you are making a move for the entire Project, use the Genius View. If you are making a move for a Project Piece, use the Pieces View. If you are making a move for a Work Session only, use the Work Sessions View).

  3. Locate the musician you want to move and select the checkbox in the affected Chair.

  4. In the popup menu below, select the option Move. You will be provided with a list of existing Sections and Other Sections you can move the musician to.

  5. Select the Section you want to move the musician to.

  6. If moving a musician to an existing Section, you will be asked where you want the Chair to be places amongst the current Chairs in that Section. Make a selection on where in the Section you want the musician to move and select the Move button

  7. Viola! You have now moved a musicians to a different a Section!

WARNING If you have moved a musician to a Section of a different Instrument, you will need to remove the previous Instrument and add the new Instrument to the Chair. Read more about multiple Instrument support.

Heads Up! If you are making this move AFTER a call has been sent, be sure to inform the musician of this change by sending a Revision Call! Read more about Revision Calls.

Last updated