Rhapsody Emails in Spam

How'd you end up there?

Email providers will often pre-filter emails. This means they will use an algorithm to determine if an email is "junk", "spam", "promotions", etc. and file it accordingly instead of the email going to your inbox.

In order to prevent this from happening, we recommend the following steps to ensure all Rhapsody emails reach your Inbox

We're here to help! Contact us at support@rhapsody.la for any additional help!


  1. From your Gmail, locate the search bar at the top of your screen and click on the options icon.

  1. In the drop-down menu that appears enter the Rhapsody domain address in the first field: @rhapsody.la

  1. Select "Create filter". Once selected, your screen will update to a check-list of options.

  2. Select check box for "Star it"

  3. Select checkbox for "Never send it to Spam"

  4. Select check box for "Always mark it as important"

  5. Select check box for "Categorize as:"

  1. In the dropdown menu next to "Categorize as", select option for "Primary"

  1. Select button "Create filter"

  1. Viola! Emails coming from Rhapsody will show up in your Gmail inbox!

Other Email Providers

Most email providers will offer a kind of "address book". This is where you can store contacts and contact information for people you frequently communicate with.

To ensure your Rhapsody emails reach your inbox, be sure to add emails with the @rhapsody.la domain to your email providers address book.

Last updated