Adding Additional Project Pieces

The program has changed...

If you've already sent your call but need to add an additional Project Piece, this is doable!

Adding Additional Project Piece

  1. Locate the appropriate Project from the Project Menu

  2. Access the Mission Control tab

  3. Switch to Edit Mode

  4. In the right-hand menu, locate and click the + button next to the Project Pieces text

  5. Follow the steps to adding your Project Piece to your Project (Read More about adding a Project Piece)

  6. Once you have successfully added your Project Piece, Rhapsody will prompt you to indicate which Work Session your Project Piece will be on. Select the appropriate Work Sessions for the Project Piece.

  7. Viola! You have added an additional Project Piece to your Project!


This is a critical revision! Musicians will need to be informed about this additional piece. You must send a revision call to keep them informed! Read more about revision calls.

Last updated