Revision Calls

Critical vs Non-Critical changes to a Project AFTER you've sent your Call

We are currently add information and updates to this process. Please reach out to us at for more information

Whenever certain things are changed in your Project after you've sent your first Call, Rhapsody will suggest you to send a Revision Call.

A Revision Call will send the musician an copy of an updated version of their Call.

Depending on what changes you make to a Project AFTER a call is sent, Rhapsody will recommend you send a (Non-Critical) Revision Call, or a Critical Revision Call.

(Non-Critical) Revision Call

If information changed since the initial call was sent is NOT critical, but we recommend sending it anyway, Rhapsody will notify you that musicians are eligible to receive a revision call in the Rhapsody Checklist:

Instances where Rhapsody would recommend a Non-Critical Revision Call be sent:

  • A musician's role has changed on one or more Piece or Work Session

  • A musician's Chair number/section order has changed

  • A musician no longer needs to bring an auxiliary instrument


Non-critical Revision calls DO NOT require a musician response from accepted musicians. The revision call just informs them that information has changed since they accepted. They do not need to interact with a non-critical revision call if they have already accepted.

If a musician needs to provide a response, (they have been invited and have not answered, or something dramatic has changed since their initial call) send them a Critical Revision call.

Sending a non-critical revision call:

  1. Select all musicians eligible to receive a revision call in a Project

  2. In the Notify Menu, select Revision

  3. In the Call Preview popup, review the call and confirm that the information is correct.

  4. Select your acknowledgment checkbox at the bottom of the page, and select Send Now!

  5. Viola! You have now sent a revision call to a musician!


Musicians who have HELD their call and then receive a Revision Call will still be required to answer with accept or decline. After all, we still don't know whether or not they can make the call!

Critical Revision Call

The information that has been changed since the initial call was sent is CRITICAL that the musician receives, and we STRONGLY recommend you send musicians a revised call.

Instances of a change that would recommend a Critical Revision Call be sent:

Sending a critical revision call:

  1. Select all musicians eligible to receive a revision call in a Project

  2. In the Notify Menu, select Critical Revision

  3. In the Call Preview popup, review the call and confirm that the information is correct.

  4. Select your acknowledgment checkbox at the bottom of the page, and select Send Now!

  5. Viola! You have now sent a revision call to a musician!

Last updated