How can I view what was sent to a musician?

There are several options on how to view what a musician has received from Rhapsody

Within a Project

Selecting the Musicians Name

Whenever you are in the Mission Control tab of a Project, you can view the communication history for a musician within that Project.

Simply click on the musicians NAME in any Mission Control View and a popup will appear showing an overview of what communication the musician has received for the Project as well as their current status/response options available.

Additionally in this view, you can also select the envelope icon to view the EXACT call they received for each stage.

Project Sent Tab

Each Project contains a Sent tab. This provides a list of all communications sent for this Project. This list will also include confirmation emails. Read more about confirmation emails.

Musician's Profile

Whenever viewing a musicians profile, you have access to their Sent tab. This provides you a list of all Communication sent to and from musicians through Rhapsody!

Did you know? Anytime you see a musicians profile picture/initials, you can click on it to quickly access their Profile! more about Rhapsody shortcuts.

Emails Menu

The Emails Menu provides users with a MASTER list of ALL communications sent in Rhapsody. Use the search feature to refine your search and find the exact communication you are looking for!

Last updated