Pre-flight Check

Get ready to take off!

Before you board a plane, you want to double check that you have all your stuff, right?

Rhapsody keeps track of any oddities that may occur when setting up the call. These discrepancies are highlighted in your checklist on in so let's go over the possible discrepancies.

Your pre-flight checklist is completely optional to review! Some items may be intentional, while others may be accidental mistakes. Regardless, Rhapsody allows you the opportunity to look through your Project through a different lens to double-check that everything is correct!

Pre-flight Check

Access your Project's Pre-flight Check by navigating to the Project's Checklist. The Pre-flight Check is located at the bottom of the Checklist under the Send option, and will be highlighted in yellow with possible warnings or discrepancies if there are any. Click on the Pre-flight Check text in your Checklist to view your list of items to review.

The following are a list of possible items you may see on your Pre-flight Check:

Work Sessions

Work Sessions are your rehearsals, recording sessions, performances, etc. You need Work Sessions to invite musicians to dates in order for them to know what time and place they are playing.

Read more about Adding Work Sessions.

Unplayed Piece

If you have added a Project Piece but have not added it to any Work Session, you will have an unplayed piece. This typically happens if you have added your Work Sessions BEFORE adding your Pieces.

Simply select the Program button in the top right corner of the screen, and select the Piece in question.

Read more about Adding Project Pieces.

Empty Chairs

If a Chair is left empty, no calls be sent for that Chair!

Locate the empty Chair to fill it with a musician before sending the Call!

Did you know? If you experience this warning, simply click on the yellow "Fill Empty Chairs" text in the Checklist on the left-hand side of the screen! Rhapsody will direct you to the empty Chair! Read more about our checklist here.

Misplaced Musician

This happens when a musician:

  • is put into a Section with an Instrument they do not have assigned to their profile

  • has been assigned an auxiliary Instrument they do not have assigned to their profile

Your possible solutions will be to:

  • Move the musician to the correct Section

  • Remove any auxiliary Instruments the musician does not play

  • Add the appropriate auxiliary Instruments to the musicians profile

Did you know? You can click on the musician's profile picture to quickly access their profile! Read more about click through view

Multiple Roles

Sometimes, a musician is supposed to only be assigned one Role (ex. Concertmaster). Other times, the musician's Role may change between Pieces or Work Sessions.

Regardless of whether this is intentional or not, Rhapsody will warn you if a particular musician has multiple Roles somewhere in the Project.

Go to the Project's Assignment's View and locate the musician to see where they are playing Multiple Roles. If you have determined the Roles are correct, you can safely ignore the warning! If there is a discrepancy, navigate to the appropriate View (Pieces or Work Sessions) and make any necessary changes.


If a musician is not playing in the same Chair order for each Work Session in the Project, Rhapsody will provide a warning. This may be normal, as musicians may get moved around due to subs or sectionals.

Go to the Project's Assignment's View and locate the musician to see where they are seated in different Chair orders. If you have determined the Chair orders are correct, you can safely ignore the warning! If there is a discrepancy, navigate to the appropriate View and make any necessary changes.


How do I close an item in the Pre-flight Check?

At this time, items in the Pre-flight Check remain on the checklist until resolved in the Project. If there is an intentional discrepancy, listed on the Pre-flight Check, the notification will remain on the Project.

Do I need to resolve all items on the Pre-flight Check?

Nope! The Pre-flight Check list is just a review of possible discrepancies in your Project. You do not need to resolve anything, but we recommend reviewing each item to double check that your Project is correct!

Last updated