
"Just double checking, you can make this right?"

Confirmation messages can be sent out any time a musician has accepted a call.

These can be particularly useful if you sent a Rhapsody invite MONTHS ago and would like to double-check that the musician is attending their assigned Work Sessions

Sending a Confirmation Message

  1. Enter into the Project you wish to Remind a musician on.

  2. In Mission Control, switch to Notify Mode

  3. Select the Chair(s)/musician(s) you want to Confirm.

  4. In the Notify menu below, select either the Confirmation button. Once selected, a Call Preview will popup.

  5. In the Call Preview popup, review the Confirmation Communication to your musician(s). The musicians will be asked to confirm they will be in attendance for the Project.

  6. Once your Call Preview is to your liking, acknowledge the checkbox at the bottom and select Send Now!

  7. Viola! You have now sent your musician(s) a Confirmation!

Last updated