Send the Call

You've dotted your i's and crossed your t's. You're ready to send a call!


Once your initial Call is sent, certain changes to your Project actions may be limited or restricted. This is to ensure that musicians receive full transparency over what they are being asked and no critical last-minute changes get pulled! Read more what you can do after you send your call.


You need to switch to Notify Mode to send out a communication! Read more about the different modes.

Notify Menu

When you are ready to send your call, switch over to the Notify Mode. You will be directed to either the Genius or Assignments view of the Project. Select all musicians from either view you want to be sending your call to.

Once you've selected one, several, or all musicians in a Project while in Notify Mode, a menu at the bottom of the page will appear. This is the Notify Menu:

The Notify Menu will provide you with a list of all possible communications you can send to a musician based on the stage they are in. You can select all musicians in a Project, and Rhapsody will determine what type of communication they are eligible for. From there, you can mass send out communications to every selected musician who is eligible to receive the communication type! Read more on our Mercury Pipeline.

For the first call of a Project, you will be limited to send an Invite, an Availability, or an Assignment Call.

Types of Calls to Send

Depending on the Project and your organization, you may want to ASK whether or not a musician is available, can do the Project, or is automatically on a Project.

Each call option will have a different pipeline and response required for a musician:


This the traditional Rhapsody Call. Invites provide musicians with the choice of responding with "Accept", "Decline" or "Hold".

Invites are your way of asking "Can you do this job? Yes, No, Maybe?"


Availability Calls provide an additional step for musicians. This is asking if a musician is available for a Project but does not guarantee them a spot in the Project.Musicians who Accept an Availability Call will still need to receive and accept an Invite Call.

Did you know?

Availability Calls are particularly helpful when it comes to scheduling chamber groups to determine rehearsal schedules! Ask if the musician is available for the concert and to provide details on what days they can rehearse in their message response! Read more about messages from musicians.


Assignment calls are when you will be able to send a call to a musician and they will be automatically "accepted" into the Project.

Assignment calls are your way of TELLING a musician "You are playing on this."

Have a request for a different type of initial Call to send? Let us know at!

Call Preview

Once selected, you will be prompted to select the type of communication you wish to send. From there, you will be redirected to the Call Preview popup for that Communication and musicians selected.


The preview on the left will be for one of the musicians selected to receive the call. To view a specific musician, simply locate the To: field at the top left of the Call Preview and select a musician from the dropdown menu. The Call Preview on the left will update to reflect what the selected musician will be receiving.

On the left, you will see preview of exactly what each musician will see. On the right, you can make edits and provide any additional information to the call. Changes made to the right will be updated in the preview to the left.

Project Cover

Project Covers are square icons you can add to appear at the top of your Call. These are entirely optional, but provide an additional custom flair to your calls! In the example above, the smiley face serves as a Project cover.


You may have multiple users who are sending Rhapsody communications. As a result, we allow you the opportunity to designate WHO is sending a communication to musicians.

Adding the name of the Sender for a Call will help musicians know who is contacting them. This is especially helpful for emailed calls, where email providers may have a column for a "Sender Name".


By default, each Rhapsody stage will pre-populate with predetermined text for the "Greetings". For example, all Invites will have the greeting of "Please respond to the following new work,". If you would like to customize this, you can do so in the text field labeled Greetings.


Greetings have a limited character count. For longer messages, opt in to create a Project Note.

Add Roster

Call Previews offer the opportunity to attach a Roster for the Project on the Call. This provides musicians with the chance to see who all is receiving the Call and the current hiring status of each person at the time of sending the communication.

The Project Roster will be attached in the Links section of the call as a separate PDF file musicians can view and download.


Attaching a Project Roster includes information such as Assignment Memo's, Piece Memo's, Chair Numbers, and Roles. Be sure to double check that your Roster does not contain any confidential information or information you do not want every musician on the Call to know/receive.

Include Session Details

Call Previews also offer the choice of keeping session details private. You may not want to let musicians know about the dates and location of each Work Session at the time of the sending your communication. By deselecting this box, the "Schedule" portion of the call will not include any information about the Project's Work Session(s)


Include Session Details is selected by default. Do not de-select this unless you are absolutely certain!

Other Options

Remember all of the Optional items in the Project Checklist? Here's where you can add any of the optional Additional Information you see fit!


Other than the consent checkboxes, each of the following items are completely optional!

New Project Note

Project Notes are a great way to provide additional long-text information to musicians. These notes appear at the bottom of your Rhapsody communications:

Simply click on the New Project Note button to add a Project note. A popup will appear for you to give your note a name (internal use only) and a long-form text field to format and type whatever you want!

You can specify who will receive a Project note too! By default, Project Notes added to a Project via Call Preview will be automatically included in the Call and to each musician. Simply navigate to the right-hand menu of the Project Note popup to indicate who should be receiving it!

Options include:

  • Auto Include in Emails: All future communications a musician receives on the project will include this Note

  • Use in Autopilot: Coming Soon! Read more about upcoming features.

  • Restrict to Roles: Only musicians who have set Roles in the Project will receive this note

  • Restrict to Sections: Only musicians who appear in set Sections in the Project will receive this note

  • Restrict to Stages: Only musicians receiving this stage of communication will receive this note.

Be sure to click Save so that your note will be saved to your Project! You will be able to access all saved Project notes in your Project Settings tab!

Did you know?

If you have multiple Project Notes, you can rearrange the order they appear in the Call! Simply drag and drop the notes to their correct positioning in the right hand menu and the Call Preview will reflect the updated order!

Wage Info

Wage info will allow you to specify how much a musician will earn for accepting the Call. Each text box is optional!


Information entered into this section will be sent to ALL musicians on the call. If you would like to provide additional wage information to specific Chairs/Musicians that is only visible to them, opt to include this information in an Assignment Memo.

Dress Code

Have a specific dress code you need musicians to adhere to? Let the musicians know by adding the dress code!


Dress code information has a limited character count. For longer messages, opt in to create a Project Note.


Projects involve a lot of people and moving parts. You may want to provide them with an additional person to contact for whatever may come up in the Project. This provides musicians with information such as the email and phone number of anyone they may need to contact.

Simply select the + button in the top right of the Contacts box to add a Project Contact!


Project Contacts must be individuals who have already been entered into your Address Book. Read more about Importing Contacts & Musicians.

Acknowledgement Checkboxes

Before you send any communication to musicians, we ask that you acknowledge the responsibility of making sure all information is correct before sending the communication. The Send Now! button will not be available until you acknowledge the checkbox statements.


Once you send your first call for a Project, there will be certain actions that you may be unable to change. It is critical that you review and acknowledge that you have double-checked everything before contacting musicians

Send Now!

Once you have reviewed your Call, select the Send Now! button! Rhapsody will begin sending out your calls to all musicians.

Musician will go from Ready > Email in Queue > Email Sent (Genius, Pieces, and Work Session View). Once the the "Email Sent" message appears under their name, the musician has officially been invited to the Project!


Calls take time to send! Rhapsody will queue all calls to go out, so if your Project has a large number of musicians being contacted, you it may take a few minutes before everyone receives their call.

Last updated