Calendar Views

Rhapsody provides various different Calendar views of Work Sessions.

Calendar Menu

When navigating to the Calendar Menu of Rhapsody, you are able to see a wholistic overview of all Work Sessions going on during any given time frame.

Click on a Work Session in a Calendar view and get directed to the corresponding Project!

Within a Project - Calendar Tab

The Calendar tab inside a Project provides you with an overview of all Work Sessions taking place within the Project.

In the Calendar tab of a Project, you can easily add an individual Work Session! Simply navigate to the date and time in the calendar you want the Work Session to take place. Click on the date and approximate time the Work Session should start, and drag your mouse down to the approximate end time. When you release your mouse, you will be prompted to edit and fill out the remaining information for the Work Session!

In a Season

  1. Go to the Projects Menu.

  2. Locate the Season in the carousel at the top of the page. If you have several Seasons, you may need to scroll through the list.

  3. Once located, double click on the Season. You will be automatically redirected to the Season's page.

  4. In the Season's page, select the Calendar tab.

  5. Viola! You can now view all Work Sessions with their corresponding Projects that have been assigned to the Season!

In a musicians Profile

In the popup that appears for a musicians Profile, you will see a Calendar tab. This provides you with the individual and unique Calendar for all Work Sessions with corresponding Projects that musician has been Invited to, Assigned, or Accepted.

See if they are already booked before sending them a new call!

Did you know?

You can select a musicians profile picture anywhere they appear in Rhapsody to have quick and easy access to their profile! Read more about our shortcuts here.

Last updated