Live Rosters

September 16th 2024 - Rhapsody 6.0.18


We are excited to announce a major update for PDF Rosters: Live Rosters. You can now customize the Roster extensively and save your designs. Create multiple Rosters for your project, each with a shareable public link. Anyone with the link will have access to the always up-to-date Roster. Let's dive in! There are three different places where you can create a Roster:

  • From Mission Control -> Export -> PDF

  • From the Project's Settings -> Live Rosters -> + Create

  • On the email preview -> Live Rosters -> Create

Here is how the Roster panel looks like:

On the left you have the PDF preview and on the right the configuration panel. The panel contains:

Title: By default, the title is the Project's name, but you can overwrite it just by putting some text in this text input. Subtitle: Freeform text that will appear just bellow the title. This is a great spot for the name of the Conductor or special guests. Font: Pick the font you like among Helvetica, Courier and Times Roman. Font Size: 3 options: small, medium and large. Columns: Structure of the Roster: 2,3,4 or 5 columns. Show Date(s): If selected, the date range of the selected Work Sessions will appear on top of the document. Show Venue(s): If selected, the venue(s) of the selected Work Sessions will appear on top of the document. Show Repertoire: If selected, the name of the selected Pieces will appear on top of the document. Show Unconfirmed Musicians: If selected, all the Musicians will appear, even the ones who are not confirmed yet. If unchecked, unconfirmed will be shown as "TBD". Show Stage Color: If selected, the Musician's name will use the color of their stage (ex: green for Accepted, blue for On Hold...) Show Empty Chairs: If your Project has some empty chairs, you can decided whether to show them or not. Show Role: If selected, the Role of the Musician will appear above their name (except for the Role Section) Show Doubling Instrument: If selected, Musicians playing multiple instruments will have them listed bellow their names. Split Family: If selected, a line-break is applied between families. Show Assignment Memos: If selected, Assignment memos is displayed bellow the Musician. Musician's Message: If selected, the latest Musician message is displayed bellow the Musician's name if any. Page Number: if Selected, the page number is displayed at the bottom right of each page Work Sessions: Pick the Work Sessions you want to include, exactly like Mission Control. If multiple Musicians are at the same position, they will all appear. Project Pieces: Pick the Project Pieces you want to include, exactly like Mission Control. Text Colors: You can customize the color of the following text: Unconfirmed Musicians, Doubling Instruments, Empty Chairs, Role, Musician Message, Assignment Memo. TBD: Customize the text shown for unconfirmed Musicians when the option Show Unconfirmed Musicians is turned off. Inactive Message: Customize the text displayed instead of the Roster when it is inactive. Once your Roster looks good you have 2 options:

  • Download it (One time Roster)

  • Save it (Can be included in the call)

  • You can create a Roster with the unconfirmed Musicians displayed and share it with a teammate or superior.

  • You can create another version where the unconfirmed Musicians are shown as TBD. This one is a great version to include on the call!

  • You can create as many Rosters as Work Sessions.

Remember, at any point, you can edit the configuration!

Active: If turned of the PDF will show the Inactive Message. That's a great way to de-active a Live Link after the Project, OR deciding when you want your people to see the final Roster.

Include Live Rosters in a call

On the Email Preview, you have the option to pick the Live Rosters you wish to include in the call, Rosters link will now have their own section on the email (They are not in the Link section anymore).

Any questions? Chat with us on Intercom!

Last updated