Release Request

"Something came up, may I please be excused?"


This is a BETA feature! If you experience any issues with this feature, please contact us at

If you have accepted or been assigned to a Rhapsody Project but would like to ask your Contractor whether or not you can be dismissed from a Rehearsal or Piece, Rhapsody offers a Release Request!


Release Requests are only available if your have Accepted or been Assigned to a Call. If you want to request a change to Contractor/Personnel manager such as missing a rehearsal or playing a different part in a piece PRIOR to making your decision, please either Hold the call and message your Contractor/Personnel manager, or contact them outside of Rhapsody. Read more on messaging your Contractor/Personnel Manager.

How to Ask for Release


Some Rhapsody users do not wish to allow musicians to request a release. If this option is unavailable to you on your Rhapsody Call, please speak directly with your Contractor/Personnel Manager.

  1. Locate the latest Rhapsody Call relating to the Project.

  2. Underneath the Project name, select the "or open call in browser" text (mobile users skip this step)

  3. Underneath your Accepted status tap or click the Ask to be released text under the status of your call. Only statuses Accepted will have this option available.

  4. In the prompt, select the dates you are asking to be released from.

  5. Fill out the appropriate information regarding your reasoning for asking for a release

  6. Acknowledge that you understand this request does not guarantee the release and that you will need this to be approved by your contractor/personnel manager/administrator.

  7. Select Submit

  8. Viola! You have now asked for a release!

Last updated