
"Don't forget, you're playing this gig!"


You can only send 1 reminder per musician per Project.

Remind Communications will allow you to send a notice to all Accepted musicians on the Call. These are great for sending out day-of reminders especially if a musician Accepted a call months ago!

Musicians will be asked to Confirm they have received your Reminder. This way, you can be absolutely certain who has/has not received your reminder communication!

Sending a Remind Communication

  1. Enter into the Project you wish to Remind a musician on.

  2. In Mission Control, switch to Notify Mode

  3. Select the Chair(s)/musician(s) you want to Remind.

  4. In the Notify menu below, select either the Remind button. Once selected, a Call Preview will popup.

  5. In the Call Preview popup, review the Remind Communication to your musician(s). They will be asked to confirm they have received your communication and will be in attendance for the Project.

  6. Once your Call Preview is to your liking, acknowledge the checkbox at the bottom and select Send Now!

  7. Viola! You have now sent your musician(s) a Reminder!


Reminder Communications are only available to musicians who have Accepted the call. If you would like to remind a musician to respond, you will want to send a Nudge. Read more about Nudges.

Last updated