Musician Responses

Your response is required

When a musician receives a Rhapsody call, they will be asked to respond.

Here is a list of response options musicians may be presented with:


Invites are the best form of Rhapsody communication for per service organizations.

Invites ASK a musician: "Can you, and will you play on this Project?"

Musicians can respond with Accept, Decline, or Hold.


A musician can respond to a Rhapsody Invite by accepting. This means that a musician can and is willing attend everything being asked of them on the Call.

Musicians who have accepted a Rhapsody communication can receive the following communications:

  • Cancel

  • Release

  • Remind

  • Confirmation

  • Message

  • Revision

  • Critical Revision


A musician can respond to a Rhapsody call by declining. This means that a musician cannot and is not willing attend everything being asked of them on the Call.

Musicians who have declined a Rhapsody communication do not receive any additional communication. They can be removed from the call and replaced by another musician. Read more about declined musicians.


You can send another Invite to a musician who declined their call. When assigning the declined musician to a Chair, Rhapsody will remind you that they have already previously declined. You will still be allowed to send the Call again; great for musicians who accidentally declined or need a revised call!


A musician can respond to a Rhapsody call by holding the call. This means that a musician is unsure whether or not they can fully accept or decline the call.

Musicians who have held a Rhapsody communication can receive the following communications:

  • Nudge

  • Cancel

  • Release

  • Revision

  • Critical Revision

Musicians who hold a call are asked to provide a response within 24 Hours, but they can take as long as they would like to respond. Read more about on hold musicians.


An assignment auto-accepts a musician for a Rhapsody Project.

Assignments TELL a musician: "You are playing on this Project."

Musicians can respond with Acknowledge.


When sending an Assignment, a musician does not need to respond. Assigned musicians can still receive all the same communications as an Accepted musician. Be careful to only send Assignments to contracted/tenured musicians and not to subs!


A musician can respond to a Rhapsody Assignment by Acknowledging. This means that a musician acknowledges the assignment and confirms the information on the assignment is correct.

Musicians who have acknowledged a Rhapsody Assignment can receive the following communications:

  • Cancel

  • Release

  • Remind

  • Confirmation

  • Message

  • Revision

  • Critical Revision

Musician Messages

Every time a musician receives a Rhapsody communication where their response is required, (Invite, Assignment, Message, Revision, etc.) Rhapsody allows the musician to include a text based message to add to their response.

Musicians may ask questions, provide an explanation to their response, or simply thank you for sending them a call! Read more about messages from musicians.

Unresponsive Musicians

Sometimes, musicians do not respond to the Rhapsody call. Musicians may not know they need to respond, or their Rhapsody call could have gone to spam. It's important to troubleshoot WHY a musician hasn't responded first before taking any action. Regardless, you are still able to take action for a musician who has not responded.

Musicians who have not responded to a Rhapsody call can receive the following communication:

  • Nudge

  • Cancel

  • Release

  • Revision

  • Critical Revision

You can also respond for a musician who has not responded. Read more about unresponsive musicians.

Last updated