Click-Through View

See something that caught your eye? Go on, click it!


Whether it's through the Calendar Menu, a Calendar within a Season, or a Calendar on a Musicians Profile, Rhapsody will redirect you to the Project.

Simply select the name of Work Session you see in any Calendar view to automatically be redirected to the Project!

Ex: I see on my Calendar that there is an upcoming Rehearsal on Friday. By selecting the Work Session from the Calendar, I will be redirected from my current page to view the Project where the Work Session is taking place!

Position Details (within Project)

Sometimes, a Chair in a Project will have multiple musicians playing on multiple Work Sessions and/or on multiple Pieces. You can easily access a matrix view of the Chair in a Project! Simply click on the chair icon in the top right corner of a Chair to view the Position Details popup.

The popup will display everything that Chair is doing in the Project, including the Project Pieces, musicians, and Work Sessions it's on!

Assignment Details (within a Project)

When in the Assignment View of a Project, you will be able to view the exact details of an individual musician. Simply locate the musician and select the i next to their hiring status to view an overview of all Pieces and Work Sessions that musician will be on/receive communication for!


Both the Position Details and Assignment Details may look the same, but they are actually different! One will show you what the Chair is expected to do in the Project, the other will show you what the Musician is expected to do in the Project. Be sure to look in the top left corner of each popup to confirm which view you're seeing!

Musicians Profile

Anywhere, and we mean ANYWHERE you see a musicians name and profile picture icon, you can automatically pull up their profiles! Simply select their avatar to pull up a popup with their Rhapsody profile!

Ex: I see Suzie Debbie is playing on this Project. I wonder what else she's playing on? By clicking on her profile picture, we can easily pull up her profile and see all upcoming Work Sessions and Project's she's on!

Encourage your musicians to download the Rhapsody Musicians mobile app so that they may upload a profile picture. Otherwise, Rhapsody will simply use their initials in leu of a profile picture. Read more on the Rhapsody Musicians mobile app.

Last updated