View Modes

When looking into a Project's Mission Control tab, users will be provided with 3 different view modes. These modes create a clear intention behind each action taken.

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You can add multiple users to your account and provide them access to only certain modes in Rhapsody! To add an additional user to your account, let us know at


View mode is exactly as it sounds. When in this mode, you can only View the Project as it currently stands. Users in View mode cannot make changes to the Project, but they can download any documents they may need with the current Project. Read more about exports.


When in Edit mode, users can add and make changes to the Project. This is the primary mode users will be in when Setting up their Call. Any time something is changing about the Project's details, users should be in Edit mode.


Notify Mode is the final stage where a user is sending out communications to musicians. Users will not be able to edit their Project details when in edit mode, unless they are adding/editing details in the Call Preview.

Last updated