Project Checklist

When you create a new Project, you will have what's called a Project Checklist to the left-hand side of your screen:

The Project Checklist serves as...well, a checklist! If you are ever unsure of what to do next in a Project, look to the Project Checklist!

Project Checklist Features

  • Clickable items: Each item on the Project Checklist is clickable. Simply click on an item to view a shortcut to the popup for each item!

  • Pre-flight Check: Rhapsody will detect any possible discrepancies in your Project and warn you. Read more about Pre-flight check.

  • Dynamic Updates: As you fill out your Project, Rhapsody will update the checklist with the information in the Project.

Updates to Checklist

Musicians will decline their calls or request to be released. Additionally, you may need to make changes to your Project after you sent the initial call. Your Project Checklist will continue to update as different actions become available to you"

Last updated